Hello World

Hello world.

Its a programmer’s first words. Maybe not as a baby, but certainly when the programmer inside is born.

$Users = Import-Csv  -Path $path #-Delimiter "|" if you export your CSVs with a delimeter of "|"
$target = @()
$Precheck = $Users.PsObject.Copy()
foreach ($User in $Precheck)
    remove-variable SAM -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    switch ($user.ou)
        "it" {$user.ou = "OU=IT"}
        "finance" {$user.ou = "OU=Finance"}



if (!($(try {get-adUser -Identity $SAM} catch {}))) {
    $target += $user | select givenname,surname,emailaddress,campus,ou
else {
    "User already exists! Skipping user $SAM"

With syntax hightlighter:


I’m keeping this post as it was when I first started my “blog” back in 2017. Maybe this time here in 2022 I’ll actually add content to the blog.