
Auditing Expressions Part 2

Background In this post, I shared a cool proof of concept that would allow you to view the code used to create results, along with the basic components broken down that were used. But it turns out that only very simple expressions could be operated against. If I had any sub-expressions like this: ($one + 2) * 3, things would break because of the parenthesis. E.g. if it splits by operators for math (+-*/), then it would try to execute the expression ($one and 2) and 3.

Auditing Expressions

Background Working for a bank, there is one rule about how things should be done: Auditing, Auditing, Auditing. They like to know what happened. They like to know when it happened. They like to be able to look this data up after the fact, sometimes much later. We run a certain process on Azure Functions that takes input data from our servicing providers and adds calculations depending on various things: rates, history, etc.