
Building Better Flagged Enums in PowerShell

Building Better Flagged Enums in PowerShell Look, this isn’t a common thing. But sometimes you need it, and this post is to help you understand what’s going on. Time to dive in! Enums and Flags Do you already know what an enum in powershell is? Its like of like a cross between a class and a hashtable/keyed dict. Enums are great for STATIC conversion of strings to values for things like configuration options.

Minor Versions Are Useless

Background I generally prefer Semantic Versioning (SemVer) to Calendar Versioning (CalVer) for software. I love that SemVer makes it easy to anticipate likely working/non-working updates to software! But there is a problem: SemVer doesn’t really give me a good picture of the “freshness” of updates. CalVer solves some of my frustrations with SemVer, but leaves me with other annoyances. I have something better in mind, but I first should enumerate what I don’t like about both systems.